"Big Data" Bioinformatics

Models for Distributed, Parallel and Concurrent Processing

Brian Repko
December 4, 2014


  • What does this have to do with me?
  • High Performance Computing models
  • Traditional Software Engineering models
  • Distributed Systems Architecture

What does this have to do with me?

  • Existing tools designed as single flow / single machine
  • Programming languages have limits (R, python)
  • CPUs moving to multi-core
    • Single flow can't make use of this
    • Some processes hit CPU/memory issues
  • Data volume in bioinformatics
    • 4 "V"s of "Big Data"
      • Volume, Velocity, Variety and Veracity
    • Limits on single node CPU / memory


  • Concurrent - dealing with a lot of things
  • Parallel - doing a lot of things
  • Why parallelize / use concurrency?
    • Throughput and Responsiveness
  • Distributed - anything non-shared
  • Why distribute?
    • Scalability and Availability
  • Goal is concurrent, distributed, resilient, simple

HPC Models

  • Von Neumann Machine
  • OpenMP
  • MPI
  • General Purpose GPU
  • Beyond HPC (HTC/MTC)

Von Neumann Machine

  • John von Neumann 1945
  • CPU, Memory, I/O
  • Program AND data in memory
  • SISD, SIMD, MIMD models
  • Multi-levels/types of cache, UMA/ccNUMA
  • Threading, pipelining, vectorization

Von Neumann Machine

OpenMP (Multi-Processing)

  • Shared memory programming model
  • Based on threads, fork/join and a known "memory model"
  • C/C++ pragmas, Fortran compiler directives
  • OpenMP directive categories:
    • control, work-sharing, data visibility, synchronization and context / environment
  • Pros/Cons with use of directives
  • Optimizations very architecture-specific
  • Can be difficult to get correct

OpenMP (Multi-Processing)

Message Passing Interface

  • Distributed memory programming model
  • Single-Program Multiple-Data (SPMD)
  • P2P and Broadcast, Synch and Asynch
  • Datatypes for message content
  • Communicators / network topology
  • Program instance gets rank / size
    • Rank 0 typically a coordinator / reducer
    • All others do work and send result to rank 0
  • Dynamic process management in MPI-2
  • Hybrid models with OpenMP
  • Bioinformatics example: Trinity (transcript assembly) on Cray

General Purpose GPU

  • OpenCL (computing language)
    • CUDA (specific to NVIDIA)
  • Standard library and device-specific driver (ICD)
  • Kernel routine written in OpenCL C
  • Global / Work-group / Work-item memory model
  • Devices are sent streams of work-groups
  • Kernel runs in parallel on work-items
  • Very useful together with OpenGL
  • Extension of this idea to custom chips (ASIC/FPGA)

Beyond HPC (HTC/MTC)

  • High-Throughput Computing
    • Long-running, parallel jobs
  • Many-Task Computing
    • Mix of job size, Workflows
  • Cluster/Grid Computing (Grid Engine)
  • Lots of workflow solutions
    • YAP (MPI)
    • Swift scripting language
    • bpipe (workflow DSL)
    • celery / gridmap (Python)
  • Process-level failure / error handling

Traditional Engineering Models

  • Threads, Locks and Fork/Join
  • Functional Programming
  • Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP)
  • Actors

Threads, Locks and Fork/Join

  • These are the general terms
  • OpenMP is a particular style (via macros)
  • Support varies by programming language
    • May or may not use multiple cores
    • For C, choose OpenMP or pthreads
  • Concurrency model (non-deterministic)
  • Difficult to get correct
    • The problem is shared mutable state

Functional Programming

  • Alonzo Church 1930
    • Lambda Calculus
    • System for maths / computation
  • Declarative (vs Imperative)
  • Computation is the evalutation of functions
  • Avoids mutable state
  • Haskell (pure), Lisp (Scheme, Clojure, Common Lisp), Erlang, ML (OCaml), Javascript, C#, F#, Groovy, Scala, Java 8, Python, R, Julia,...

Functional Programming

  • First-class functions
  • Higher-order functions
  • Pure functions (no side effects)
    • Referential transparency and beta-reduction in any order including parallel
  • (Tail) recursion, partial functions, currying
  • Strict (eager) vs non-strict (lazy) evaluation
  • Typed or Untyped - Category theory when typed
  • Software Transactional Memory (Clojure)

Functional Programming

expr = "28+32+++32++39"
res = 0
for t in expr.split("+"):
    if t != "":
        res += int(t)

print res

expr = "28+32+++32++39"
print reduce(map(filter(expr.split("+"), isNonBlank), toInteger), add)

Communicating Sequential Processes

  • Tony Hoare 1978
  • One of multiple process calculi
    • Verifiable lack of deadlocks
  • Avoids shared state
  • Synchronous message passing via shared channels
  • Concurrently executing elements - send / receive
  • Functions can use and return channels
  • Implemented in Ada, Go and Clojure core.async
  • Distribution is possible but difficult

Communicating Sequential Processes


  • Carl Hewitt 1973
  • Avoids shared state (share nothing!)
  • Actor (the processing element) has
    • an identity, non-shared state, and a mailbox
    • asynchronous messaging
  • Actors can
    • do work, send messages, and create other actors
  • Built-into some programming languages - Erlang, Scala
  • Frameworks available for almost all languages - Akka
  • Concurrency and (somewhat easier) Distribution
  • Bioinformatics example - MetaRay (MPI) to BioSAL/Thorium


Distributed System Architecture

  • Distributed Storage (Filesystems/NoSQL)
  • Hadoop
  • Map-Reduce
  • Apache Spark
  • Lambda Architecture

Distributed Storage (FS/NoSQL)

  • Filesystems
    • Lustre, GlusterFS (Redhat), OneFS (Isilon)
    • Hadoop HDFS
    • Tachyon
  • NoSQL / NewSQL
    • Distribution one of the main reasons for NoSQL
    • Key-value (Dynamo, Redis, Riak, Voldemort)
    • Document (MongoDB, Couchbase)
    • Column (Cassandra, Accumulo, HBase, Vertica)
    • Graph (Neo4J, Allegro, InfiniteGraph, OrientDB)
    • Relational (NuoDB, Teradata)
  • These all have to deal with standard distribution problems


  • Distributed storage AND computing
  • HDFS (file system storage)
    • NameNodes and DataNodes
  • Map-Reduce (computing model)
    • JobTrackers and TaskTrackers
  • Hadoop "ecosystem":
    • HBase or Parquet (NoSQL DB)
    • Pig (Hadoop job DSL / scripting)
    • Hadwrap (scripting / workflow)
    • Hive (data warehouse)
    • Drill or Impala (SQL query engine)
    • Sqoop (ETL - DB to Hadoop)


  • A Map-Reduce job has
    • an input data-set and an output directory
    • a mapper, reducer and optional combiner (classes)
    • all classes get and produce kv-pairs
  • The job runs as
    1. The input is converted to kv-pairs (key=line#, value=text)
    2. Mapper gets and processes kv-pairs (data locality)
    3. Sort/Shuffle phase on mapper output
    4. Reducers get all kv-pairs for a given key (sorted)
    5. Reducers output is stored in output directory


Apache Spark

  • New computing model
  • RDD - Resilient Distributed Datasets
    • Read-only, distributed collection of objects
    • Stored on disk (HDFS/Cassandra) or in-memory
    • Memory usage on shared clusters can be an issue
  • Computation is transformations and actions on RDDs
    • Transformations convert data or RDD into an RDD
    • Actions convert RDD to object / data
    • Functional programming (immutability) paradigm
    • DAG (lineage) for how RDD was built (scheduling, failover)
    • Lazy evaluation of tasks
    • Actor-based (Akka) distribution of code
  • Faster than Hadoop, more expressive than MR

Apache Spark

Lambda Architecture

  • Slow batch layer for all data (Hadoop)
  • Fast speed layer for latest data (updating)
  • Serving layer for queries based on both layers
  • Raw data is immutable facts (append-only)

What does this have to do with me (again)?

  • Bioinformatics has/will have a volume constraint
  • Some algorithms have a CPU constraint
  • For volume, move to distributed data
  • For computation on distributed data
    • Parallelize over standard data partitions (position, samples)
    • Distribute that computation
      • Actors > MPI and Spark > Map-Reduce
    • Functional programming as an algorithm goal
  • Additional advantages with Apache Spark
    • Availability of intermediate processing steps for workflows
    • Availability of graph and ML algorithms

Thank You! Questions?

  • Special thanks to Ken Robbins, Dave Tester, Steve Litster, Nick Holway, Timothy Danford, Laurent Gautier and Jason Calvert
  • OpenMP/MPI/Hadoop/Spark is available in SciComp/DataEng clusters
  • What are your data / computation challenges?